Restore Your

Home to Health

Live Mold Free with Be Mold Safe™ 
Schedule a Home Assessment

Mold Detection Specialists

Our experienced mold specialists will accurately detect if a mold problem is present, and provide a solution to restore your home back to an healthy environment for your family. 

The consequences of failing to properly eliminate a mold problem are enormous. Serious health risks to people and pets range from allergies to respiratory symptoms, irritation and worsening asthma.

Any delay in properly containing a mold problem can result in the rapid growth and spread of the mold to other areas of your home or workplace. This means more damage at much higher costs – an outcome that can be avoided by calling the right mold professionals right away.

Our Services

Mold Assessment

Be Mold Safe offers an initial complimentary home assessment to determine if mold is present in the environment.

Certified Partners Referral

After the initial assessment, you will be referred to our certified partners for a detailed comprehensive mold & moisture report.

Remove & Prevention Plan

 Our professional mold remediation companies will taking a deeper look and provide a detailed removal and prevention plan.

It’s Not in Your Head, It’s in Your Home

"You don’t have to smell mold for it to be there. I truly did not understand the threat of bio-toxins until they nearly destroyed my life.”

‘Luke Sky’ Krcil, MS 


Meet Our Expert

What Are Clients Are Saying...


Mike Cohen, Director of Center for Brain 

“Many of our Florida patients are affected by mold in their homes. Our clinic depends upon Be Mold Safe to help remove hidden sources of bio-toxins causing their health challenges.” 

Kelly Miller, NMD of Saving Your Brain  

"I lived in a mold infested home for years and didn't even realize it. Be Mold Safe can properly eliminate the bio-toxins that cause damage to the nervous system and brain."

Call (561) 660-9255 and
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Take the First Step in Eliminating Mold in Your Home

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions on Mold